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  • Writer's pictureriley murphy

A Healthier Halifax - Inspired by Proven Success

Updated: Aug 24

As your mayoral candidate, I am passionate about building a Halifax where every resident has the opportunity to lead a healthy, fulfilling life. I’m sharing a bold idea that that could redefine how we care for our community: a voluntary municipal health benefit plan that complements Nova Scotia’s MSI program.

A Personalized Approach to Health

Imagine a Halifax where you can choose the healthcare coverage that best suits your needs. Whether it’s additional dental care, mental health support, or coverage for prescription medications, this municipal health benefit plan would be designed to fill the gaps left by MSI, ensuring that you have access to the services that matter most to you and your family.

Inspired by Proven Success

We’ve seen similar initiatives succeed across North America. In cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Edmonton, municipal health programs have expanded access to vital services such as dental and mental health care. Even New York City’s NYC Care program has shown us that with the right approach, cities can significantly enhance healthcare access for their residents.

But this plan is unique—it’s opt-in, meaning it’s a choice you make based on your needs and priorities. If you decide to participate, you’ll pay a premium, much like private insurance, but at rates designed to be accessible and affordable.

Lower Costs Through Group Power

One of the key advantages of this plan is the collective strength of our community. As more people opt in, the size of the group increases, which drives down the cost of premiums. The larger the group, the more negotiating power we have to secure lower rates for services, making healthcare more affordable for everyone who chooses to participate. This collective approach ensures that your contributions go further, providing you with high-quality coverage at a lower cost.

Working Alongside MSI

Our goal is to complement, not duplicate, the coverage provided by Nova Scotia’s MSI program. MSI will continue to cover essential services like doctor visits and hospital care, while our municipal plan will focus on areas where additional support is needed. By working in harmony with the provincial system, we can ensure that your healthcare is comprehensive and coordinated.

A Plan That Works for You

This municipal health benefit plan will offer flexible coverage options, allowing you to tailor your healthcare to your unique needs. Whether you need enhanced mental health services, additional physiotherapy sessions, or better access to dental care, you’ll be able to choose the package that works best for you.

And because this plan is funded by those who opt in, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your contributions are directly supporting the healthcare services you value most.

Collaboration and Community

To bring this vision to life, we’ll need to work closely with our provincial partners and local healthcare providers. This plan depends on collaboration, ensuring that our municipal services are integrated seamlessly with the existing healthcare system. Together, we can create a model that enhances the health and well-being of our entire community.

Your Health, Your Choice

This plan is about more than just healthcare—it’s about giving you the power to choose the coverage that fits your life. By opting in, you’re not just taking control of your own health, but you’re also contributing to a healthier, stronger Halifax.

As your future mayor, I’m committed to exploring every opportunity to improve the lives of our residents. This opt-in municipal health benefit plan is just one way we can think creatively, act boldly, and make Halifax a leader in municipal health innovation. With your support, and with the collaboration of our provincial partners, we can build a healthier future together—one where everyone has the chance to thrive.

Let’s create a Halifax where your health is in your hands. Together, we can make this vision a reality.

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