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  • Writer's pictureriley murphy

Building a Safer Halifax: A Commitment to Stronger Fire Infrastructure

Updated: Aug 25

As a community, we pride ourselves on resilience and unity, but recent revelations about our fire safety infrastructure have shown us that there is still much work to be done to ensure the safety and well-being of every Halifax resident.

The recent discovery that fire hydrants in Upper Hammonds Plains are non-functional for firefighting purposes has been a wake-up call for all of us. As Rev. Lennett Anderson expressed, “We have fire hydrants that cannot protect us... they’re cosmetic.” This is a reality that none of us can accept. When our community faced the devastating wildfires in 2023, which displaced over 16,000 residents and destroyed hundreds of hectares of forest and homes, we were reminded of the critical importance of having reliable, effective infrastructure to protect our lives and property.

Our current situation is the result of decisions made decades ago, but it is our responsibility to ensure that future generations do not inherit these same vulnerabilities. As your mayor candidate, I am committed to taking immediate and decisive action to rectify these issues.

A Comprehensive Review and Modernization Plan

The first step in addressing this challenge is to conduct a thorough review of our existing water infrastructure, focusing on areas where hydrants are not meeting current firefighting standards. We must ask the hard questions: Why were these decisions made in the 1990s, and what can we do to correct them now?

Halifax Water has already acknowledged the problem, stating they are “reviewing the system pressures and available flows and identifying opportunities to improve overall conditions.” This review is a start, but it must be followed by action. As your mayor, I will ensure that we:

  1. Engage Experts: We will bring in top engineers and fire safety experts to evaluate our current system comprehensively. This includes not only the hydrants but also the water mains and the overall water distribution network.

  2. Invest in Upgrades: Based on the findings, we will prioritize the necessary upgrades to our infrastructure, starting with the most vulnerable areas. This will include increasing water pressure where needed and replacing outdated systems that no longer serve our community's needs.

  3. Ensure Equity in Infrastructure: It is unacceptable that communities like Upper Hammonds Plains, home to the Pockwock Watershed that supplies water to other areas, are lacking in basic fire protection. We will work to ensure that every community in Halifax has the same level of protection, regardless of their location or history.

  4. Increase Transparency and Communication: Throughout this process, we will maintain open lines of communication with the public, ensuring that everyone is informed about the steps being taken and the progress being made. We will hold regular town halls and provide updates through various channels to keep the community engaged and involved.

  5. Prepare for Future Emergencies: Beyond upgrading our infrastructure, we will also focus on enhancing our overall emergency preparedness. This includes better training for our fire and emergency services, as well as community education programs to help residents protect their homes and families.

A Call to Action

Halifax, we deserve better. We deserve a city where our infrastructure is as strong and resilient as the people who live here. We deserve a city where every resident can sleep soundly at night, knowing that they are protected.

As your candidate for mayor, I am asking for your support to make this vision a reality. Together, we can build a Halifax that is not only beautiful and vibrant but also safe and secure. Let’s take this opportunity to address the issues of the past and create a future we can all be proud of. Because when it comes to the safety of our community, there is no room for compromise. Let's rise to the challenge, fix these critical issues, and build a stronger Halifax for everyone.

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